4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Dr Richard Binns

Deputy Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor. Northumbria University

Speaker profile

Dr Richard Binns is Deputy Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor for education at Northumbria University and head of department of Mathematics Physics and Electrical Engineering. Dr Richard Binns plays an instrumental role in building international collaborative links between Northumbria University and institutions across Malaysia, Singapore and China. He is also critical to the development of the revolutionary North East Space Skills and Technology Centre, a state of the art £50M facility developed by Northumbria University, with investment from the UK Space Agency and Lockheed Martin UK Space.


Tuesday 11 March


15:10 - 16:00   |   Keynote Theatre

Addressing Global Workforce Challenges in the Space Sector

Dr Joanna Hart

Space Partnership

Susan Charlesworth

Astronaut Instructor and Director,
Charlesworth Human Performance

David Mackay

Astronaut & Pilot

Dr Richard Binns

Deputy Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor,
Northumbria University

Geoff Busswell

VP of Business Growth,
Telespazio UK

Heidi Thiemann

Space Skills Alliance

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