4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Prof. Bernard Foing

Executive Director. International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)

Speaker profile

Prof. Bernard H. Foing, president Space Renaissance International,executive director of ILEWG, EuroMoonMars & ArtMoonMars manager, Prof VU Amsterdam, Leiden observatory, ISU and EPFL, on leave from CNRS, former ESA Chief Scientist and chair of ESTEC staff association committee (2012-2017) & SMART-1 Lead scientist. Chair IAF ITACCUS, member IAF committees (TAC, GLEX IPC, space exploration, astronomy, space habitats, traffic management), full member IAA International Academy of Astronautics since 2010, vice-chair COSPAR planetary and PEX Planetary Exploration Panel, co-director IMA International Moonbase Alliance, founder Moon Village & MV Association, EGU space instrumentation officer, president MoonGallery foundation (moongallery.eu). Worked at ESA ESTEC(1989-2020), as ESTEC staff committee chair (2012-2017), senior scientist, advisor to DG, Chief scientist, Head of Research Division, study lead (SIMURIS, MORO lunar orbiter, EuroMoon lander), staff, visiting scientist fellow. Co-Investigator of SOHO, XMM, BIOPAN, SMART-1, Mars Express, COROT, ISS/Expose, ExoMars. Publications: 830 articles, including 225 refereed papers. Academics: Habilitation 1990, CNRS, post-doc astronomer ESO European Southern Observatory Chile, PhD astrophysics & space techniques (CNRS, Lockheed, SacPeak, Boulder, Harvard), Prof agrégé Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure ENSET Paris-Saclay.

International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)






Tuesday 11 March


15:15 - 16:05   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Lunar Exploration – Missions, Technologies, and Industry Trends

Jenna Rhodes-Tiwana

Senior Strategy Advisor,
ispace inc

Phil Davies

Business Development, Lunar,
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)

Charles Cranstoun

Head of Moonlight Programme Office,
European Space Agency (ESA)

Beth Moses


Prof. Bernard Foing

Executive Director,
International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)

Nicola Pizzolorusso

Vice President Strategic Planning, Scenarios and New Initiatives,

Wednesday 12 March


11:10 - 12:00   |   Keynote Theatre

Pushing the Boundaries of Space Exploration: Technologies Shaping Humanity’s Future Beyond Earth

Sabrina Alam

Director, Advisory, EU Space Lead,

Dr Thomas Clayson

CEO and Co-founder,

Saleem Miyan

Max Space

Greg Ray

Vice President for Emerging Science and Technology,
Voyager Space

Prof. Bernard Foing

Executive Director,
International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)

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