Prof. Bernard Foing
Executive Director. International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)
Speaker profile
Prof. Bernard H. Foing, president Space Renaissance International,executive director of ILEWG, EuroMoonMars & ArtMoonMars manager, Prof VU Amsterdam, Leiden observatory, ISU and EPFL, on leave from CNRS, former ESA Chief Scientist and chair of ESTEC staff association committee (2012-2017) & SMART-1 Lead scientist. Chair IAF ITACCUS, member IAF committees (TAC, GLEX IPC, space exploration, astronomy, space habitats, traffic management), full member IAA International Academy of Astronautics since 2010, vice-chair COSPAR planetary and PEX Planetary Exploration Panel, co-director IMA International Moonbase Alliance, founder Moon Village & MV Association, EGU space instrumentation officer, president MoonGallery foundation ( Worked at ESA ESTEC(1989-2020), as ESTEC staff committee chair (2012-2017), senior scientist, advisor to DG, Chief scientist, Head of Research Division, study lead (SIMURIS, MORO lunar orbiter, EuroMoon lander), staff, visiting scientist fellow. Co-Investigator of SOHO, XMM, BIOPAN, SMART-1, Mars Express, COROT, ISS/Expose, ExoMars. Publications: 830 articles, including 225 refereed papers. Academics: Habilitation 1990, CNRS, post-doc astronomer ESO European Southern Observatory Chile, PhD astrophysics & space techniques (CNRS, Lockheed, SacPeak, Boulder, Harvard), Prof agrégé Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure ENSET Paris-Saclay.
International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)
Tuesday 11 March
15:15 - 16:05 | Space Technology & Applications Theatre
Lunar Exploration – Missions, Technologies, and Industry Trends
Wednesday 12 March
11:10 - 12:00 | Keynote Theatre
Pushing the Boundaries of Space Exploration: Technologies Shaping Humanity’s Future Beyond Earth
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