4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Prof Joanne Wheeler MBE

Director, Earth & Space Sustainability Initiative and Managing Partner. Alden Legal

Speaker profile

Joanne is a leading international expert in the field of satellite and space law, policy, regulation, spectrum issues and commercial contracts, having worked at Ofcom, ESA and for over 25 years in private legal practice in this area. She was awarded an MBE for services to the UK space industry, won the Financial Times European Legal Innovator of the Year award and is ranked Tier 1 in legal directories.

She is the Director of the Earth&Space Sustainability Initiative (ESSI) (www.essi.org) co-founder and Chair of the Satellite Finance Network (www.satellitefinancenetwork.org) and the Prospero Space Fellowship (www.prosperofellowship.org). She is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Royal Aeronautical Society and Deputy Chair of the National Space Centre. She Co-Chairs the UK Government’s Spaceflight Safety and Regulatory Council and was appointed as an honorary Professor by the University of Leicester in 2022.

Alden Legal

Alden Legal






Wednesday 12 March


10:00 - 13:30   |   North Gallery Meeting Room 19

Space Insurance Symposium

Joseph Ziolkowski

Co-founder and CEO,
Relm Insurance

Claire Davey PhD

Head of Product Innovation and Emerging Risk,
Relm Insurance

Christian Ogden Davies

Global Head of Distribution and Innovation ,
Relm Insurance

Sue Kee

VP Commercial Management,
AAC Clyde Space

Alexander Holt

Managing Director,
Seraphim Space Enterprise (SSE)

Inês d'Ávila

Space Safety and Space Transportation Officer,
Portuguese Space Agency

Dr. Jeevan Perera

Deputy Chief for Dynamic Systems Test Branch,
Johnson Space Center, NASA

Dr Rory Holmes

UK Managing Director,

Richard Swaine

Vice President (Space Projects) ,

David Wade

Space Underwriter,
Atrium Space Insurance Consortium (ASIC)

Dave Pearah


Andy Bradford


Prof Joanne Wheeler MBE

Director, Earth & Space Sustainability Initiative and Managing Partner,
Alden Legal

Dr Tim Flohrer

Head of the Space Debris Office,
European Space Agency (ESA)


12:20 - 13:00   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Overcoming bottlenecks in the ISAM industry: Challenges, Solutions, and the Path Ahead

Amin Chabi

Founder and CEO,
Lúnasa Space

Prof Joanne Wheeler MBE

Director, Earth & Space Sustainability Initiative and Managing Partner,
Alden Legal

Sanjeev Gordhan

General Partner,
Type One Ventures

Matt Bull

In-Orbit Regulation Lead for ISAM,
UK Space Agency


13:50 - 14:40   |   Keynote Theatre

Legal and Regulatory Tools Shaping the Future of the Space Economy

Prof Joanne Wheeler MBE

Director, Earth & Space Sustainability Initiative and Managing Partner,
Alden Legal

Aarti Holla-Maini

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Dr Laetitia Cesari

United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Prof Kai-Uwe Schrogl

Special Advisory for Political Affairs ,
European Space Agency (ESA)

Prof Christopher J. Newman

Professor of Space Law and Policy; Head of Research & Knowledge Exchange – Law,
Northumbria University

Colin Macleod

Head of UK Space Regulation,
Civil Aviation Authority

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