Tuesday 11 March
09:40 - 10:10 | Keynote Theatre
In Dialogues with Brian Cox and Sir Richard Branson (Live from Necker Island)
Moderated by Will Whitehorn, this session will steer the discussion between Brian Cox and Sir Richard Branson, who will be joining us live from Necker Island.
The conversation will highlight the role of entrepreneurs in shaping the space economy, and how leaders can balance ambition with long-term sustainability. The future beyond Earth: How far the industry has come and the next bold steps needed.
- What industries (e.g., biotech, AI, materials science) will be most impacted by space development?
- How does scientific perspective align with commercial aspirations for lunar bases, Mars settlements, or deep-space missions?
- What is the responsibility of commercial space pioneers to ensure sustainability?
- Which innovations will shape trillion-dollar industries in space?