4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Delta Biosciences

Delta Biosciences


Business profile

Delta Biosciences is a chemistry company, innovating at the intersection of medicine and space. Our astrochemistry vertical focuses on space radiation countermeasures: to protect astronauts and extend the shelf-life of critical payload. We are working with the European Space Agency, preparing to validate our chemistry aboard the International Space Station. Our solutions support emergency crews, civil aviation personnel, cancer patients, and hard-to-resupply locations. We are also alumni of NASA’s Space-H accelerator.

See speaker profiles

Dominykas Milašius

Delta Biosciences


Tuesday 11 March


11:00 - 11:40   |   Intergovernmental Summit

Lithuania Country Showcase: Lithuanian High-Tech Industry space success stories

Eglė Elena Šataitė

Head of Space Hub LT,
Innovation Agency Lithuania

Justinas Orlavičius

Customs and Transport Attaché,
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to United Kingdom

Erikas Kymantas

Systems Engineer,
Blackswan Space

Adomas Lukenskas

Systems Engineer,

Dominykas Milašius

Delta Biosciences

Mykolas Savickas

Business Development Manager,
Kongsberg NanoAvionics

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