4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Justinas Orlavičius

Customs and Transport Attaché. Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to United Kingdom

Speaker profile

Justinas Orlavičius is Customs and Transport Attaché in London, and a former Customs Ataché in Brussels, where he has represented Lithuania in various political and technical formats, including areas for transport and connectivity. He has actively participated in numerous European Commission Expert Groups and the World Customs Organization bodies and committees. Additionally, Justinas has contributed to the European Defence Agency (military mobility and communications) and other relevant international organizations, playing a key role in shaping policies in the customs and global trade sectors.

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to United Kingdom

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to United Kingdom



Tuesday 11 March


11:00 - 11:40   |   Intergovernmental Summit

Lithuania Country Showcase: Lithuanian High-Tech Industry space success stories

Eglė Elena Šataitė

Head of Space Hub LT,
Innovation Agency Lithuania

Justinas Orlavičius

Customs and Transport Attaché,
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to United Kingdom

Erikas Kymantas

Systems Engineer,
Blackswan Space

Adomas Lukenskas

Systems Engineer,

Dominykas Milašius

Delta Biosciences

Mykolas Savickas

Business Development Manager,
Kongsberg NanoAvionics

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