4-5 March 2026

London ExCeL


Dr. Jeevan Perera

Deputy Chief for Dynamic Systems Test Branch. Johnson Space Center, NASA

Speaker profile

Dr. Jeevan Perera is a Senior Engineer at NASA, Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He is currently Deputy Branch Chief for Dynmaic Systems Tests in the Engineering Directorate. He has had assignments in varying technical and management areas and disciplines including as the risk manager for several manned space programs such as the International Space Station, the Orion Spacecraft and others. Other roles have included the shared responsibility for the management of program business and project planning activities, management and assessment of project budgets, procurement, contracts, configuration management, security, information technology, project schedules, and others. His early focus area was in software development which included management/oversight duties over versions of the primary and back-up flight software for the Space Shuttle. Dr Perera has been with NASA for over 35 years and has earned both a Jurisprudence Doctorate (licensed to practice law) and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. He is also a licenced pilot.

Johnson Space Center, NASA






Tuesday 11 March


16:30 - 17:30   |   Keynote Theatre

Navigating the Transition to Commercial Space Stations and the Future of Low Earth Orbit

John Vellinger

President, In-Space Industries,
Redwire Space

Dr. Jeevan Perera

Deputy Chief for Dynamic Systems Test Branch,
Johnson Space Center, NASA

Hon. Eng. Manlio Di Stefano

Senior Strategic Advisor & Director for EMEA,
Axiom Space

Davide Petrillo

Managing Director,
Voyager Space

Dr Meganne Christian

Reserve Astronaut. European Space Agency and Exploration Commercialisation Lead ,
UK Space Agency

Olivier Farache

Chief Revenue Officer,

Wednesday 12 March


10:00 - 13:30   |   North Gallery Meeting Room 19

Space Insurance Symposium

Joseph Ziolkowski

Co-founder and CEO,
Relm Insurance

Claire Davey PhD

Head of Product Innovation and Emerging Risk,
Relm Insurance

Christian Ogden Davies

Global Head of Distribution and Innovation ,
Relm Insurance

Sue Kee

VP Commercial Management,
AAC Clyde Space

Alexander Holt

Managing Director,
Seraphim Space Enterprise (SSE)

Inês d'Ávila

Space Safety and Space Transportation Officer,
Portuguese Space Agency

Dr. Jeevan Perera

Deputy Chief for Dynamic Systems Test Branch,
Johnson Space Center, NASA

Dr Rory Holmes

UK Managing Director,

Richard Swaine

Vice President (Space Projects) ,

David Wade

Space Underwriter,
Atrium Space Insurance Consortium (ASIC)

Dave Pearah


Andy Bradford


Prof Joanne Wheeler MBE

Director, Earth & Space Sustainability Initiative and Managing Partner,
Alden Legal

Dr Tim Flohrer

Head of the Space Debris Office,
European Space Agency (ESA)

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